
The PA Agriculture Ombudsman Program developed this page to help direct municipalities and others to information about timber harvest regulations and the Act 38 Law or Agriculture, Communities and Rural Environment (ACRE).  ACRE went into effect to ensure that ordinances adopted by local governments to regulate normal agricultural operations are not in violation of state law. A local ordinance cannot exceed, duplicate, or conflict with state law.  This law includes timber harvesting operations.

Penn State Extension developed a publication that provides information about forest management and how to create lawful timber harvesting ordinances.  Download the PDF at the link below.  (Page 12 -15 includes a Model Ordinance). 


The Pennsylvania Sustainable Forestry Initiative (PASFI) Implementation Committee is part of the national certification organization; Sustainable Forestry Initiative® Inc.  They are an independent, non-profit organization that collaborates with many partners to support the sustainability and profitability of Pennsylvania’s timber industry.


PASFI offers workforce development opportunities to Pennsylvania’s professional logging workforce through educational training that promotes sustainable forest management, operational safety, and skill improvement. They also assist with regulatory issues because sometimes timber harvesting operations run into issues with unauthorized local ordinances.  PASFI has developed an ACRE fact sheet that summarizes pertinent ACRE regulations and positions the Attorney General has taken on unauthorized local ordinances related to timber harvesting. This information is intended to help municipalities, the timber industry, and others gain a better understanding of how to develop a lawful timber harvest ordinance.

Please visit PASFI website’s publications page https://www.sfiofpa.org/publications.php to link to a variety of educational publications including FACT SHEET: Pennsylvania’s ACRE law and a Summary of Attorney General Positions on Timber Harvesting.

It is important to note the in Pennsylvania, all earth disturbance activities must be undertaken in accordance with the Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) Chapter 102 Erosion and Sediment Control regulations adopted under the authority of the Clean Streams Law. Under these regulations, all earth moving or earth disturbance activities over 5,000 sq. ft., including timber harvesting activities, must have a written Erosion and Sediment Control Plan developed, implemented, and maintained to minimize the potential for accelerated erosion and resulting sedimentation to waters of the Commonwealth. Timber harvesting operations that will disturb 25 or more acres require a permit from DEP (the earth disturbance area is the total area of haul roads, landings, and skid trails). Inquiries as to whether a permit is required should be addressed to the local county conservation district or DEP regional office.

Activities associated with timber harvesting operations are also governed by DEP’s Chapter 105 Dam Safety and Waterway Management regulations adopted under the provisions of the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act and the Fish and Boat Code – Act 175. The Chapter 105 regulations govern the crossing of streams; construction of culverts, fords and bridges, and other impacts to water courses and wetlands that occur during man-made activities. Inquiries for proper permits required under Chapter 105 should be addressed to the local county conservation district or DEP regional office.

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